Waiting can be challenging. It can even be frustrating. Maybe you can relate? Maybe you have a child that just can’t wait to ask you a question or needs you to bake something for their bake sale ASAP. Could it be that you may have had to talk to someone and they can’t be reached right then, but it’s oh so urgent? So now what? What happens in the mean time, while we wait?
In this message I wanted to look into what it means to be patient in the waiting. I remember I would desire so many things to come through for my life. I was young and wanted my first car, my first job, etc. to materialize. I mean who doesn’t have dreams for their life right? But as we grow closer to the Lord, His dreams become our dreams and we want His glory to be lived through us. We want His way. And sometimes I’d just hear the words ‘hold on’ or something to that affect and nothing else. Have you ever been there when you wanted something such as the Lord’s promises to come to pass, but just had to wait on it? Our bible says that we are to “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be open to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened, Matthew 7:7-8.
I’ll be transparent here. Waiting can be a challenge. But we can learn to wait on Him and His perfect timing for His perfect plan. The challenge is we’ve got instant popcorn, a microwave that really just needs to be plugged in to get us that popcorn. We’ve got an information highway called the world wide web that gets us information at the press of a few buttons. What’s my point? How many can say “I’m ready to wait, however long it takes?” In this day and age, I really wonder how many really want to say that? Rest assured, our Lord hasn’t forgotten about any of His children, which you are! He hasn’t forgotten about the promises He has for each of us. For the Lord knows you by name, friend. He’s even got every hair on your hair counted, Luke 12:7. He knows us and hasn’t forgotten about the things He’s got for each of us.
In the next part of this two-part series, we’ll look at healthy ways to wait on those promises and what to do until those promises materialize. Until next time, God bless you and be a blessing to someone!