Hi! Thanks for stopping by. Since this is my first post, I wanted to first give Jesus the glory. Where would we be without His love? He said He came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly, John 10:10.
How amazing is that? This leads me to the reason for my blog. With so many things going on in the world, it seems to be changing before our eyes. I mean we get out of bed and the news is full of eye-popping headlines. But with God’s grace, the world keeps spinning. So, you may be asking, what does healthy Christian Living look like? It’s about focusing on the love of God and His abundant goodness. In this blog, we’ll be talking about:
- Who we are in Jesus
- Healthy Boundaries
- What healthy love looks like
- Self-love
- Walking in Happiness
- Being a light in the world as we’re called to be
- And so much more!
But above all, don’t forget: Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you, Matt. 6:33. In other words, when we seek God first in everything, He shows us His perfect love, His perfect will and goodness, because the Lord is good and He wants the very best for you!
Need prayer? Please email me at authorcharmain@yahoo.com.
Amen! Looking forward to reading more.