When you think of wine, what do you think of? Maybe a good Cabernet or a Merlot. Maybe you’re into a sweet dessert Muscato? Have you ever gone to the store to try to find just the right pairing of wine for the perfect dinner you’re making for friends or family? Or maybe you’re looking for just the right gift for a good neighbor, and you want to thank them for something they did for you. Looking around in the store, you find they’re all out of the wine you were looking for; they’re out of the best wine and you leave the store empty-handed.
Wine when consumed in moderation is said to be great for digestion and also has other restorative properties. But too much can lead to health issues and worse. And really that goes for anything. Moderation is key for everything in life, right? What if I told you that’s true for everything in life except for the Best Wine, and His name is Jesus.
The bible says in Matt 9:17 “Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” Since Jesus is the new wine, know and believe He is the Best Wine and know He’ll always be exactly what you need and just when you need Him. This is a crazy world we’re living in but in Jesus know we are not empty handed. He is always there. He’ll never leave you or forsake you, Deuteronomy 31:6. Friends, know you can always call on Jesus. He wants to be that very best wine for you, He wants you to get to know Him and receive Him as your Savior and Lord. Know that He loves you and He died for each of us because He loves us. Glory to God. So the next time you find you’ve got an empty bottle of your favorite wine starring back at you, know that Jesus is always there for you and His love for you never runs out. He’s waiting for you. Blessings to you!

Friend, please know that Jesus indeed loves you. And He wants you to know that He has died on the cross for our sins, our shortcomings, for we all fall short of God’s glory, Romans 3:23. And God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son Jesus that whoever calls upon Him will be saved, John 3:16. So I pray that you seek the Lord for salvation and a loving relationship with Him. Amen.